Lessons Learnt: In babiyabirta, for mushroom production young women farmer groups demanded technical support and collaboration with district or whole sell market to sell their production from thatch house. After our effort DADO visited mushroom production field.
Major Achievement:
YWOs member controlled/stopped child marriage in previous Babiyabirta, Hasandaha and Sorabhag VDC’s.
YWO’s member had solved and punished that man who involved in child harassment case at Babiyabirta.
In Capacity Building Training, 197 Young women received different capacity building training like, Institutional development and leadership training, Right based advocacy and Gender based training, Child protection training and Career counseling and Inter
Due to implementation of YE Project in 15 previous VDCs of Morang 2,346 sponsored families are directly benefited from activities run under the Project.
Fruit Seedling Support: 444 sponsored families were got one day orientation on Mango and litchi farming technology and provided improved variety of Mango (Amrapali and Maldaha) and litchi (Shahi).
Good opportunity for Networking/Cooperation and sharing with District Agriculture Development Office. Example, In Commercial Mushroom Cultivation, District Agriculture Development Office, Biratnagar provided two days commercial mushroom cultivation as well
Major Activities:
Agro forestry
Home gardening
Group base veg. farming
River bed farming
Group level training
Provide technical knowledge to vegetable producer group members. Increase production level to, Group base vegetable and Agro-forestry farming group members
Support to HES subcommittee and D- PAC for VDC level Agriculture planning, because this quarter is annual planning and budgeting time of every VDCs.
To empower HES subcommittee for better agriculture planning and implementation in the VDC level.
Established Home garden program to support child nutrition, especially S/C families.
Capacity building marginal HHs in adoption of improved agricultural technologies