Sub-sector analysis (SSA) and Value chain analysis (VCA).
Selection and promotion of forest-based enterprises (e.g. olive, Lokta, Allo, Sisno powder, Chiuri ghee, etc.).
Value chain development.
Entrepreneurship development.
Market development.
Enhancing the living standard of people through their engagement in forest-based enterprise for improved food and nutrition security, income generation and employment.
Environment protection by adopting sustainable agricultural practices and sustainable use of forest resources for both timber and non-timber based enterprises.
Create 5,000 jobs.
Establish at least 7 new enterprises and financial support on 7 existing enterprises.
Support to at least 80 existing local forestry groups.
Involve 50% female and 70% disadvantaged groups.
Ensure 50% investment from private sectors (banks, financial institutions, cooperatives, companies, etc.) in each enterprise.
Partners: MISS Bajura, RDC Doti
Program Type: Completed
Start Date:
Target Group: Members of community forest user groups (CFUGs) and leasehold forest user groups (LFUGs), and entrepreneurs (priority to the women headed households, disadvantaged groups and marginalized households)
Thematic Area: Business Promotion and Market Development