Strengthen Community Resilience to Disaster through Safe School Initiatives in Sunsari Project
Budget: 8414960.00
District: Sunsari
End Date:
Funding: Plan International Nepal
Major Activities:
Support schools to update SIP incorporating DRR and CCA.
Child club led action plan development and implementation
Facilitate training of trainers in Gender Transformative Climate Smart Safe School for schools supervisor, resource person, head teachers and teachers from the target schools and to local government (A 4 days training)
Disaster and climate risk assessment with a gender lens training to children, teachers (Three days local training)
Conduct Disaster and Climate Risk Assessment using Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Tool in 4 target schools with gender lens - display the hazard map in strategic location
Capacity development of teachers, students, Parent Teacher Association, local government authorities and SMC on safe school and gender equality (three days local training)
Awareness raising activities on safe school, gender equality and Climate Change Adaptation
First Responders development (FA and community based search and rescue) (Mock drill of trained first respinders in schools/communities)
First Aid kit and community based search and rescue kit support
To improve disaster preparedness of key stakeholders such as students including girls, teachers, community and local authority, so that they can enable to address right to education and protection of girls and boys in disaster vulnerable communities.
To prepare and share good practices and lessons learned on gender transformative Safe School initiatives among key stakeholders and beyond
To support local governments and schools for effective implementation of National Safe Schools Policies/guidelines.