Community Practice in Schools for Learning Climate Change Adaptation (COPILA)
Budget: 854150.00
Direct HH Coverage: three government schools and RbF farmers groups in Banke district
End Date:
Funding: Helvetas, Swiss
Men and Women in the rural working districts of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation provide a model of resilience to be prepared for climate changes and disaster.
Teachers are trained in the use of active learning materials and appropriate teaching and learning methodologies with integration of local climate change issues, adaptive measures and disaster risk management.
Students comprehend climate change and disasters and develop their observation skills to detect changes around them.
Students are trained in the use of traditional and modern media to disseminate climate science and local issues in culturally appropriate ways to inform the community.
Schools function as community resource centres for climate change adaptation and disaster risk management literacy.
Rural communities develop the capacity to observe and reflect the consequences of climate change and disaster.
Community adaptation plans are prepared by farmers.
Households develop the capacity to implement adoptive measures.
Farmers develop capacity to interact with village development committees and district level personnel.
Program Type: Completed
Start Date:
Target Group: three government schools and RbF farmers groups in Banke district