Orientation on reproductive health rights to YWO participants.
Advocate for the availability of health services (workshops).
Sexual and reproductive health rights trainings for adolescent girls, young women and school teachers.
Interest-based vocational training and enterprise development support.
Project proposal writing training to YWO's members.
Human rights-based advocacy development training (national plan of action for adolescent girls) to YWO's members.
Gender-based violence management training for adolescent girls and young women.
Institutional development and networking/alliance training to adolescent girls.
Develop YWOs advocacy and strategic plan through interaction/workshop and sharing to YWO.
Support to organize advocacy events through adolescents and young women.
Leadership training to YWO members.
Support CSOs working for girls and young women issue.
Agriculture training and Support on Agriculture activities for YWO members
1. Promoted economic security, self-employment and entrepreneurship development for young women/girls of landless, very poor and marginalized families through their access to on-farm and off-farm interventions (Learn).
2. Promoted participation and capacitate participants and the members of Young Women Organizations (YWOs) to carry out lobby advocacy on issues of children, adolescent girls, young women and women with disability (Lead).
3. Raised awareness about sexual and reproductive health and rights, education and control over their body for adolescent girls, young women and women with disability (Decide).