Improving Livelihoods of smallholder dairy farmers through feed management
Direct HH Coverage: 700
District: Kailali
End Date:
Funding: CSISA, ILRI
Major Activities:
Base line study of the project area
Demonstration on complete package of animal feeding
Introduction of new cultivar of forage and fodder
Chaffing of roughages
Improvement of commercial feed
Breed improvement
Shed improvement
Deworming and vaccination
Mineral mixture supplement
Market Promotion
Capacity enhancement of farmers and LRP and service providers
M&E, reporting and social audit
Increase production and productivity of milk at farm level through promotion of crop residue-based feeding interventions including supplementation of compound feeds, nutritious fodder and forages.
Existing farmers' practice of feeding dairy animals improved.
Technical knowledge and skill enhanced for 500 dairy farmers.
500 smallholder dairy farmers of Kailali district of Nepal adopt appropriate feeding practice.
Partners: Local Communities
Program Type: Completed
Project Location: Kailali district (Beladevipur, Chaumala, Geta, Malakheti, and Shreepur VDCs)