Improved Flood Resilience of Communities in Morang and Sunsari Districts
District: Morang, Sunsari
End Date:
Funding: Plan International
Major Activities:
Trainings to community members in the relevant DRM aspects.
Design and implement extracurricular activities on DRM (with emphasis on flood risk) in schools.
Provide lifesaving equipment for search and rescue and first aid to communities.
Protect physical infrastructure, i.e. hand-pumps, tube-wells, toilets, schools, hospitals from floods (After FRM tool testing, the result of baseline survey).
Build a community evacuation centre.
Improve the quality and quantity of the ecosystem services.
Protect riverbanks by gabion walls and bio-engineering.
Train flood affected farmers in alternative livelihoods.
Establish saving and insurance activities (life, livestock & crop, infrastructure) through strengthened cooperatives/Self Reliant Groups
Modify/adapt the tool following feedback and results from testing of Flood Resilient Measurement (FRM) tool after baseline.
To develop tested model for increasing communities in Nepal's resilience to floods.
To enhance communities skills and capacity for managing flood response.
Enhanced Disaster Risk Management (DRM) awareness, skills, resources and infrastructure for better management of flood response.
Reduced flood risk.
Diversified livelihoods.
Strengthened social safety nets.
Tested and customized the Flood Resilience Measurement Tools per community.
Developed integrated project model to build flood resilience.
Program Type: Completed
Project Location: Sunsari and Morang
Start Date:
Target Group: The project mainly targets school teachers and children but also includes communities prone to flood