Building Community Enterprises of Smallholders in Bangladesh and Nepal
Budget: 1468000.00
Direct HH Coverage: 2300 HHs
District: Chitwan
End Date:
Expenditure: 21253000.00
Funding: WHH
Lessons Learnt: Community interest-based activity/support makes the work praiseworthy e.g. Shed floor improvement, plastic tunnel, mushroom cultivation, irrigation support
Major Achievement:
Two CEs successfully running smoothly based on developed business plan
Increased diet diversity
Increased income
Major Activities:
Setting up/upgradation of collection center, community enterprises, resource farms, seed bank, soil water conservation
ToT and developing modules - resource farmers + community resource persons
Mapping exercise for farm surplus and value chain
Farmer field school by RFs
Business development plan
Capacity building of CRPs
Capacity building of CEs
CRP providing services
Farmers' exposure visit
Annual reviews
To combat poverty and food insecurity of the most vulnerable sections of the society contributing to the improvement of income and livelihood of the target groups