Advocacy Campaign for Women Empowerment & Gender Equality
Budget: 1999320.00
Direct HH Coverage: Approx. 10,000
District: Rautahat, Sarlahi, Sindhuli
End Date:
Funding: Equal Access, UNWOMEN
Major Activities:
Media Campaign
Kachahari Theater
Policy Dialogue at district and national level
Promotional materials
Training kits
Raise awareness on gender-based discrimination and structural barriers hindering women's leadership roles in economic activities in households, communities and labor markets in the local context (urban/semi-urban/rural),
Bring about policy changes that are sensitive to the needs of women by advocating strongly for gender sensitive plans and policies,
Promote increased participation and representation of rural women farmers in local-level decision-making process through community-level awareness raising and policy advocacy.
Contributed to Achieve Women Empowerment & Gender Equality