Agricultural Entrepreneurship Among Remittance Receiving Female-headed Households in Nepal (JP17K17917)
Budget: 3400000.00
Direct HH Coverage: 350 households
District: Chitwan
End Date:
Funding: Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Major Activities:
- To conduct household surveys among sampled households in 2017 and 2019 to generate panel data set.
- To analyze data corresponding to the objectives of the research and recommend policy implications.
- To disseminate the research findings through publications, seminars, and conference presentations.
- To determine the factors affecting entrepreneurship in general and agricultural entrepreneurship in particular.
- To assess the role of remittance in the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship.
- To examine the differential effects of remittance across gender in terms of agricultural entrepreneurship.
- The research will shed light on the determinants that promotes entrepreneurship among rural households.
- Secondly, the role of migration and remittance on the promotion of entrepreneurship will be clarified.
- Thirdly, the research will highlight whether the gender of household head is an important factor in promoting entrepreneurship.
Partners: Hiroshima University
Program Type: Completed
Project Location: Bharatpur-25, Sukranagar, Chitwan
Start Date:
Target Group: To analyze the determinants enabling female-headed remittance receiving households to invest in agricultural enterprises.
Thematic Area: Adaptive Research and Development
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