Enhancing Food and Nutritional Security and Improved Livelihoods through Intensification of Rice-fallow System with Pulse Crop in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal)
Budget: 18532.00
Direct HH Coverage: 400
District: Siraha
End Date:
Major Activities:
Cluster demonstrations of improved technology package of lentil
Capacity building
Establishment of village based seed enterprise (VBSE)
Intensification of rice fallows with lentil and other legumes
Enhance lentil productivity and income of farmers
Improve household nutrition through increased intake of pulses in their diets
Enhance food and nutritional security and improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers
Establishment of 300 Cluster demonstrations
Establishment of 2 VBSEs
Capacity building of 450 farming households
Partners: CBSP Padharia, Gadha, Jandibya Farmers’ Cooperative, Siraha district