A society where all women and men at all levels, the economically poor, vulnerable and marginalized have prosperous and dignified lives.
FORWARD Nepal reaches and empowers vulnerable and marginalized communities for their improved livelihoods through a value chain approach, technology generation and adoption, advocacy and social transformation.
Improved quality of life for marginalized communities through empowerment, socio-economic transformation, inclusive development and risk reduction.
- Enhanced food and nutrition security, and increased income of disadvantaged people.
- Improved technical and managerial capability and resilience of vulnerable communities in biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk management.
- Developed and validated agricultural technologies and innovations using participatory research and development approaches.
- Developed physical infrastructure and strengthened local institutions.
- Advocating and conducting capacity building programs to ensure the rights of people with different ability, elders, indigenous/ethnic groups, Dalits, women, and children.