Completed programs

Rural Enterprise Financing Project: Procurement of services to conduct training on agricultural value chain
Gender, Social Reproduction and Agricultural Innovations
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture
Piloting Climate Services for Agriculture and Tourism Sector in Chitwan
Midterm Evaluation Study On Strengthening Smallholder Enterprises of Livestock Value Chain for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Nepal II (SLVC II)
Promotion of vegetable production through demonstration in Nawalparasi district
Reducing Disaster Risk and Enhancing Emergency Response Capacities in Multi-Hazrd Risk Prone Urban Areas of Nepal
COVID-19 Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Project (LERP) in Rautahat District
Dairy for Development in Nepal
Sustainable Economic Development in Rural areas in Nepal (SEDRA)
Building livelihood resilience and nutrition security in the Kamala River Basin, Siraha District, Nepal
Agricultural Entrepreneurship Among Remittance Receiving Female-headed Households in Nepal (JP17K17917)
Enhancing Food and Nutritional Security and Improved Livelihoods through Intensification of Rice-fallow System with Pulse Crop in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal)
Strengthen Community Resilience to Disaster through Safe School Initiatives in Sunsari Project
Monitoring and Verification of Community Development Programme - Second Phase
Building Community Enterprises of Smallholders in Bangladesh and Nepal
Strengthening Community Resilience through WASH & DRM Project in Sunsari District
Girls and Boys Start Equally Project in Morang District
Girls Agency and Youth Empowerment Project
Gender Transformative - Community Resilient (GET-CRDRM) Project
Girls Act Project (BALIKA SHAKTI)
Enhancing Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers in Central Terai Districts of Nepal
Advocacy Campaign for Women Empowerment & Gender Equality
Riverbed Vegetable Farming
Monitoring and Evaluation for Community Development Programme
